In a rough, ever changing, economy the thought of credit card debt and unsecured loans can cause sudden fear in people who are barely able to keep afloat. Month after month your credit card bills seem to rise due to high interest rates and you just can’t seem to catch a break. Paying the minimum payment on your credit card will get you nowhere and cost you thousands of dollars in interest over in the long run. Have you found yourself thinking about bankruptcy? Are you unsure if bankruptcy is for you? Monroe County, bankruptcy lawyer Robert A. Schwartz wants to offer you a free bankruptcy evaluation to see if bankruptcy is right for you.
Should I file for bankruptcy?
That depends. You probably owe it to yourself to ask yourself a few important questions about your finances. Here are a few questions to ask yourself before deciding if bankruptcy is right for you.
• Do you constantly find yourself paying only the minimum payments on loans?
• Do you have “free” money to feed, clothe, and house yourself? Your family?
• Do the thought of your finances make you tremble in fear?
• Are debt collectors calling you?
• Have you considered debt consolidation in the past?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions you are most likely on the path to financial ruin, unless something drastic changes your financial picture will only get worse. You will keep making minimum payments while interest rates keep raising your balance. Ask yourself how long you can really continue on a financial path like this.
Will bankruptcy effect my credit?
Bankruptcy is a mark on your record, however, so are late payments. Paying your obligations late for long periods of time actually harm you more and those derogatory late marks take a lot longer to clear up. Once you file bankruptcy you can start to enjoy your monthly earnings a little more, stop harassing phone calls from debt collectors, and make responsible choices as to how to invest your new found cash. Stop padding the pockets of the banks by paying high cost interest rates and late fees. Take your financial life back. Call for a free bankruptcy evaluation today and let Monroe County, New York attorney, Robert A. Schwartz guide step-by-step through the bankruptcy process [custom:phone].