Student Loans Modified in Rochester
Deciding to attend college is an honorable decision. An investment in your future that can help you move forward with your chosen career path. However, that investment often comes with a hefty price tag. Many new graduates are often left to struggle with student loan debt, living expenses and the inability to find a good enough paying job to afford it all. If you’re barely able to keep your head above water due to student loans, student loan modification may be right for you.
Can I Modify My Student Loans?
If you are unable to meet your minimum monthly payments on your student loans and you meet the outlined qualifications below you may qualify for student loan modification.
Student Loan Modification Guidelines
•If you are behind on payments by 30-119 days
•If you are anticipating a loss of income in the future, thereby making it difficult for you to afford monthly payments
•In some instances, defaulting on your loan terms may disqualify you from student loan modifications
The exact parameters of all necessary student loan modification qualifications aren’t widely available to the public. An experienced student loan modification attorney will listen to you and advise you on the best course of action to get your finances back in control. Dependent on your financial situation, you may be given a temporary loan modification or a permanent one (if it doesn’t look like your situation will improve).
New York Student Loan Modification Attorney
If your debt is becoming too much for you to handle, bankruptcy and student loan modification may be perfect for you. A knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney can help you decide if student loan modification is a financially sound decision for your future. New York student loan modification attorney Robert A. Schwartz has dedicated more than 30 years to helping people find the best legal solution for their financial hardships. Call for your free consultation today [custom:phone].