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Reestablishing Your Credit Score

Rochester, New York Bankruptcy Attorney

Most people think that if they file for bankruptcy their credit is ruined – forever. The truth is you can rebuild your credit in a relatively short amount of time if you do something about it. If you choose to sit back and just wait on your credit to rebuild itself you may be waiting a very long time. A knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney can help you cut the time it takes to rebuild your credit in half – sometimes more. Rochester, New York bankruptcy attorney Robert A. Schwartz has been practicing law for more than 30 years. Mr. Schwartz prides himself on giving his clients the individualized attention and reliable representation they deserve.

Reestablish Your Credit Score – How To Improve your Credit Rating after Bankruptcy

Many online companies promise to help you rebuild your credit score practically overnight. Even if you can afford to pay their exorbitant fees, these companies simply cannot deliver what they promise, and if they do manage to deliver, the results are obtained illegally and are short term. Trusting the wrong company with your personal information can cause worse issues then a slightly damaged, yet repairable credit score. Bankruptcy will serve to discharge your outstanding debt. Taking some simple logical steps after you file will help you improve your credit score gradually starting in the first year after your Bankruptcy. There is no quick fix to rebuilding your credit. Reestablishing your credit score is possible with the proper knowledge, experience, patience and guidance you can have a good credit score once again.

Contact New York Bankruptcy Attorney Robert A. Schwartz Today

If you are thinking of filing for bankruptcy and are concerned with the effect on your credit score don’t be. Take the steps necessary and get the reassurance you need to make informed decisions. Contact Rochester, New York bankruptcy attorney Robert A. Schwartz today for your no-obligation, free consultation at [custom:phone]. Let Mr. Schwartz put his experience and understanding of New York’s bankruptcy laws and credit rebuilding to work for you.