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Ending Collections Harassment

New York Bankruptcy Attorney

When you’ve fallen behind on your bills you begin to feel the backlash from creditors. Rightfully so, creditors want the money you borrowed from them to be repaid. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always work out as planned and can throw curve balls resulting in job loss, the death of a loved one, unexpected medical costs, or a slew of other unpredictable expenses. Those unpredictable expenses may force you to default and leave you wondering where to turn. Rochester, New York, bankruptcy attorney Robert A. Schwartz can help.

Ending Collections Harassment

If you’ve filed for bankruptcy or are contemplating filing for bankruptcy you may be wondering how to stop creditors and collectors from harassing you. Quite frankly, filing for bankruptcy should stop all collection harassment in its tracks. During your bankruptcy filing all creditors and collection agencies are notified of your intentions. All collection attempts should cease. If you happen to receive additional calls a simple reminder that you filed for bankruptcy should put a stop to the calls.

Contact Rochester, New York Bankruptcy Attorney Robert A. Schwartz

If you feel you’re ready to end collection harassment and have decided to file for bankruptcy, Rochester, New York attorney Robert A. Schwartz can help. Mr. Schwartz has 30 years of experience helping clients overcome the obstacles related to bankruptcy and has been described as experienced, reliable, and responsive by many of his past clients. Mr. Schwartz has found that learning about each and every one of his clients’ unique situations is key to finding the most satisfying legal solution for them. If financial relief is what you seek do not hesitate to contact the law offices of Robert A. Schwartz to schedule your free consultation at [custom:phone].